‘Me’ Moment

I read an article recently on wellness and it spoke about certain activities we can integrate during the day to increase the level of happiness we feel.  The usual suspects were highlighted – exercise, meditation, journaling, expressing gratefulness, etc.  It did mention one thing that I personally started to think about.  It asked the question, which time of day do you feel the most happy or at least having a degree of life satisfaction? So, I began thinking on what applied to me.

I like my daily routine. Getting up, heading to the gym first thing in the morning, taking the train to work (catching up on my reading while on my 40 minute commute), organizing my work activities, socializing with co-workers, walks during my lunch breaks, winding down, then heading home. In between that though is the ‘noise’ of the daily grind – work and personal discussions, worries, running around to do errands, making deadlines, etc.  Just like anyone might feel, it may get overwhelming.

And so I rehash my usual day and ask myself when do I feel the most happiest?  I come to the conclusion that it is the first hour when I get up.  I usually set my alarm for 5 am so I can get a workout in by 6. Light already gleams from my window. It is so quiet and serene. I hear birds chirping and the train already passing very 15 min or so.  I make myself either a cup of tea or coffee and I sit on my sofa without checking my phone, Ipad or turning on Spotify for some background music.  I just sit and stare outside my window.  Sometimes, I am not really thinking of anything – just in a daze. At other times, I organize my to-do list in my head sans any form of stress.  I sip my tea slowly and enjoy the sweet taste of the my chai (this is how I have my tea daily). It’s probably what they call mindful drinking.  I enjoy the experience immensely. At this hour, everything slows down and it feels good.

People cannot fathom why I get up so early even if I didn’t really need to.  But its a ‘me’ moment that recharges me. It helps me get through the day with a deeper appreciation for the experiences that may come along the way.

By 6 am, I try to do a brisk walk on the treadmill or join a spin class and the adrenaline starts to rush in – a vastly different feeling from the magical hour before.

So take some time and think about your happiest moment of the day. It makes for a valuable form of self-reflection.

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